Simulacra series painting in Black & White depicting the story of White Buffalo Calf Woman and her sacred teachings and prophecies which...
Simulacra series visionary painting of a Salamander, or Fire Spirit in vibrant shades of violet, scarlet, gold, and blue flame. acrylic on...
Simulacra series visionary/imaginal painting of Drakhmar, the nine-eyed Dragon Queen singing the Golden-wood Dragon of 2024 into...
Black and white imaginal painting of the Seraphim, an order of higher Angelic Beings. acrylic on canvas board 18"x14"
First of the Seraphim series, this densely textured and vibrantly colored visionary painting of the Seraphim in rich hues of turquoise and...
Tea with Thoth reveals the Seraphim of Solastalgia, those angelic beings who monitor the mass extinctions of animals, plants, habitat and...
Simulacrum series painting of Humpback Whale Mother and Baby, Paper Nautilus, Angelfish, and the other pieces of Sedna's fingers(or body...
Simulacra Imaginal painting of the Search for the Sky Maiden, who was the First Woman and full of all the magic and mystery that ever...