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Simulacra is an in-progress and on-going series of paintings executed in my signature imaginal and intuitive style of painting, and each painting tells very vividly colored and detailed stories within its borders. The mythopoetic stories are extremely relevant to our current times and highlight Nature-culture, Spirit-culture, the sacred and psychedelic mysteries of the Divine Feminine, and Shamanism. Two recent examples include "Dreaming of White Buffalo Calf Woman Singing" and "Freyja". My artistic process contains intuitive and imaginal elements, experience and experimentation co-creating art in response to the situation or circumstance of my current fascination or exploration.
I incorporate contemplative practice and art-making in order to cultivate higher awareness and incite positive change on both personal and transpersonal planes as I work with the materials at hand, fully engaged in the process and unconcerned about what the final products will be because I trust the process. Like the caterpillar melting inside of its own cocoon, patiently and playfully dreaming its butterfly form into being, I too, work imaginally and intuitively as I apply my signature palette of colors to describe the light and form of the story that wants to be told.
While holding space for the theme and narrative to which I have devoted the painting, I allow it to emerge on its own, to insight and inform me of how to proceed as far as what color to use next, which brushstroke to apply, whether to reveal or conceal certain passages, when to stop and when to give us both the negative space to breathe and rest.
May you ENJOY the Great Mystery.

Simulacra is an in-progress and on-going series of paintings executed in my signature imaginal and intuitive style of painting, and each painting tells very vividly colored and detailed stories within its borders. The mythopoetic stories are extremely relevant to our current times and highlight Nature-culture, Spirit-culture, the sacred and psychedelic mysteries of the Divine Feminine, and Shamanism. Two recent examples include "Dreaming of White Buffalo Calf Woman Singing" and "Freyja".  My artistic process contains intuitive and imaginal elements, experience and experimentation co-creating art in response to the situation or circumstance of my current fascination or exploration. 
I incorporate contemplative practice and art-making in order to cultivate higher awareness and incite positive change on both personal and transpersonal planes as I work with the materials at hand, fully engaged in the process and unconcerned about what the final products will be because I trust the process. Like the caterpillar melting inside of its own cocoon, patiently and playfully dreaming its butterfly form into being, I too, work imaginally and intuitively as I apply my signature palette of colors to describe the light and form of the story that wants to be told.
While holding space for the theme and narrative to which I have devoted the painting, I allow it to emerge on its own, to insight and inform me of how to proceed as far as what color to use next, which brushstroke to apply, whether to reveal or conceal certain passages, when to stop and when to give us both the negative space to breathe and rest.
May you ENJOY the Great Mystery.